Posts tagged how to price your products
How Under-pricing Can Actually HURT Your Leather Business?

Have you ever been browsing items at a store and shocked and confused by the low price?

You might at first think, “cool this stuff is really cheap!” and then quickly you think, “wait why is it so cheap? Whats wrong with it?”

You start to wonder about the quality of the leather and hardware.

Even if you can’t really put you’re finger on it, something feels off, and it’s turning you off from buying, right?

Click to read about how low pricing can hurt your business and how you can avoid this huge mistake.

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Ultimate 2-Step Pricing Strategy for Your Leatherwork

One of the biggest challenges that new leather business owners have is pricing their work.

It’s a challenge for good reason. There are many different ways that you can price your leatherwork and determining which of these strategies you will use depends on your business model, who your audience and ideal customer is and who you are serving.

There are more than a handful of people on youtube and other blogs all over the internet telling you that their way to price is the best way to price. But who should you believe? Which pricing method is actually right for your leather business?

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Is Your Low Pricing Hurting Your Leathergoods Business?

Pricing your leathergoods too low can have a big negative impact on the success of your business. You might feel like people won’t buy your products for a higher price or that you'll just keep them low for now and then raise them later. Or you might just not know how to create a sustainable business - one that can survive and produce a profit. These are all common reasons that I see people pricing their leathergoods for low prices but these are not the right strategies and its whats actually hurting your business.

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How To Price Your Leatherwork for Profit

Whether you’re  currently selling your work or you have plans to start selling your work, the fear and frustration behind product pricing is real.

A lot of leatherworkers don’t know where to start when pricing their products so they guess or they ask people in a Facebook group what they would pay for a certain product.

These are BIG mistakes for a few reasons.

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